Suelin Low Chew Tung

Foreigner Within

I am presenting new work addressing the Criminal Code of Grenada with myself as material object, in keeping with the Biennale theme Foreigners Everywhere, and the pavilion theme of No Man is and Island. My installation comprises two photo series Foreigner Within: New and changed landscape, and two fabric and metal installations Foreigner Within: My own Power and Knowing.

Set against the backdrop of Grenada’s location below the Tropic of Cancer, Foreigner Within is my personal exploration of identity, culture, and tradition, through the lens of cancer, mastectomy, cancer-fighting spices, and the socio-legal nuances embedded within Grenada’s Criminal Code, where the constitutional guarantee of fundamental rights and freedoms clashes with masculinised legal restrictions on topless exposure for females.

My images invite viewers to question societal norms, to challenge legal paradoxes, and to recognise the strength within every individual faced with the foreign presence of cancer to unleash their unyielding spirit to reclaim self.

Suelin Low Chew Tung
Sans Souci, St George, Grenada
Mobile: 1-473-456-1953